
From the Smith County Pioneer

These are dedicated to the women of our Club: 
-- "Men once subscribed to the theory male superiority ... then woman cancelled his subscription"
Professor: "You can't sleep in my class"
    Blonde: "If you didn't talk so loud, I could."
-- "Why is it the one who snores always goes to sleep first"
Nancy Reagan once said, "A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water" _______________________________________________________________________________________________

September  Meetings: .

Sept 26th - Junior Elder's daughter "Adventures in Teaching"

October Meeting:

October 3rd -- Installation of 2014-2015 Officers

October 10th Angie Jones, Special Agent, Kansas Bureau of Investigation. Ms. Jones is part of the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Task Force and has worked numerous investigations involving child exploitation, child pornography and domestic minor sec trafficking. She can provide examples of how to better protect children from this threat.

 October 17th – Susan Duffy, General Manager, Topeka Metro. Ms. Duffy has been the General Manager of Topeka Metro since 2012 and will share many of the new initiatives that are taking place around Topeka. From new bus stops popping up around town to programs to increase ridership to Topeka Metro Bikes there is lots to learn about.

October 24th – Tony Weingartner, Assistant Director, Kansas Bureau of Investigation. Mr. Weingartner serves as the Assistant Director of Investigations and oversees all agents within the unit. He will share about the role of the KBI in supporting local law enforcement across the state. The KBI is dedicated to providing professional investigative and laboratory services to criminal justice agencies, and the collection and dissemination of criminal justice information to public and private agencies, for the purpose of promoting public safety and the prevention of crime in Kansas.

October 31st – Vickie Brokke, President and CEO of Topeka Civic Theater. Ms. Brokke is a returning speaker to Optimist and will share about the new collaboration with Shawnee County Parks & Recreation, the coming theater season and future plans for TCT.




Jane Kelsey "Walking in Darkness"
Sept 12, 2014
Jane was a lady that was seeing much of her life and worked as a librarian. Because of a genetic condition, she has gone blind in the last few years. For the first 15 months or so, she was terribly angry with her situation and it affected herself and others around her. She has learned to cope with the lack of sight and do many of the things that a sighted person can do. She said that since her husband did not cook, she had to learn how if she did not want to live on soup and sandwiches the rest of her life. She gave us a few hints on things that she does to cope. For example, she uses safety pins placed at different angles to distinguish different colors and patterns of clothing. She makes good use of her telephone to keep track of time and to maintain her calendar.

Judy Nickelson "Americore at Washburn University
Sept 19, 2014
Judy provided an outline of how the various aspects of Americore VISTA coordinate. Washburn has a sizable number of students who are volunteers in the community to fight poverty and provide training skill and in turn receive assistance for their college expenses or receive an stipend at the conclusion of the volunteer program.

Although the figures are not final, it was a good day at the Pancake Breakfast, even those the schedule had to be modified to fit in with some of the functions that went on at the Church.
Nancy reported that all the items at the Bake Sale were GONE!!!