June Meetings: Misty Kruger, Chairman

June 15th – Jamie Crispin, Kansas Children’s Discovery Center
June 22
nd – Alice Weingartner, Director of the Shawnee County Health Agency – Community Health Center AND
      Allison Alejos, Director of the Shawnee County Health Agency – Local Health Department
June 29
th – Tom Hagen, Meteorologist Kansas First News


From the Smith County Pioneer

Two Optimists went fishing in Canada and returned with only one fish."The way I figure is, that fish cost us $400, said the first. "Well," the other noted the other one. "At that price, its a good thing we didn't catch any more."
Altered slightly to fit the occasion


          "The Alchemist Pot"
"Understanding - Wisdom - Yourself"
June 1, 2012                    Vol. 1 No. 30       


SHANNON DIAZ…of Al-Anon/Alon-teen shared with us some of the personal issues she was able to overcome and how she was able to achieve growth and confidence through the 12 steps of Al-Anon.  The core belief being individuals must “help themselves”. But there is a spiritual (higher power) that plays a large part in our lives.  Thank you Shannon.

DOWNUNDER…New Zeland – Australia and other island adventures were shared with us by member Stan Dennis. Sounded like great places to visit.

 RON HARBAUGH…Communication Director for USD 501 will be our guest speaker this Friday.  Ron for many years was news anchor for KSNT.  

 Dean Landman won the ticket pot split, while Louis Mosiman’s bade number was selected. Jerry Bessette’s name was called out from the attendance list.   


 “The Alchemist Pot”
“Teachers – Apples – R & R”
June 8, 2012 Vol. 1 No. 31

FOR A MAJORITY…of us when we combine the words teacher and apple it means something for the teacher to eat. Well now a days when you say teacher and “Apple” it has to do with a whole new modern way for teachers to guide and stimulate our children and grandchildren. With the use of computers students are now involved in ROBOTICS, WIND TURBINES and other amazing and interesting subjects and studies. This information was presented to us by our guest speaker, Ron Harbaugh, Communications Director of U.S. D. 501, Topeka School district. It ain’t just R & R anymore, people!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY…Children’s Discovery Center. Jamie Crispin from the Discovery Center will be our guest speaker this week. I am sure she will share with us all of the activities going on with this most popular attraction in Topeka.

Margie Denton won the ticket pot split and announced that she and Leland were celebrating their fifteen anniversary. Badge number 55 belongs to Mark Scheve but he was not in attendance. Mike Akulow Jr. has a new candy bar because his name was called out from the attendance list.

One for the Road:

The midnight ride -
Of Paul for beer -
Lead to a warmer -
Hemisphere -
Burma Shave

 Pull off – The road – To change a flat – Protect your life – No spare for that! Burma Shave.