Current News

October Meeting – Clyde Kensinger, President and Program Chair

October 21 – Gov. Sam Brownback
October 28 – Traditions



October 14th

Our President is serving as Acting Editor until Clayton gets back on his feet:




Volume 1, Number 2

October 14, 2011


MILTON CANIFF…created in his daily comic strip some of the most infamous Femme Fatales known to newspaper readers all over the world:  The Dragon Lady, Burma, Miss Lace, Copper Calhoun, Miss Mizzou.  GI’s in all of the armed services read about these ladies and the many other colorful characters in his two comic strips:  Terry & The Pirates and Steve Canyon.  The “Book Report” was given by Ye Me President.  The Book was the biography of Milton Caniff entitled “Meanwhile.”  (All 952 pages, single spaced, tiny writing.)  His comic strip was truly one of the most outstanding ever to be read daily by the public.


THE GOVERNOR OF KANSAS…Sam Brownback will be our speaker this Friday.  We would greatly appreciate it if you would make a note on your calendar to be in attendance.  Some of the major issues the state will be dealing with this coming session are:  Redistricting, Budget, the funding of KPERS.  This will be your opportunity to ask questions of the Governor.


Joanne Kensinger split the pot with OI.  Jerry you missed the M&M’s by not being here.  Joe Patton caught the Whitman’s box of chocolates for having his name called.


ONE FOR THE ROAD --    The Wolf

                                                Is Shaved

                                                So Neat and Trim

                                                Red Riding Hood

                                                Is Chasing Him!                 (Burma Shave)